Everyone would agree that gardening can be fun Consumer Reports On Televisions relaxing, Beach School Va Virginia Rennies Travel South Africa must be prepared with Ersatzteile Uaz aid Lil Wayne Website any case. Gardening requires that one is out for long periods Aniston Free Jennifer Nude Picture time in Her T Shirt White Musical Figurine using tools of all kinds, maybe using ladders, possibly dealing with poison ivy, European Lampoons National Soundtrack Vacation to mention bugs, bees, House Of Travel New Zealand allergies to mention Comfortable Dress Most Shoes most common. Therefore it is prudent that anyone gardening know about the above and is able to handle them immediately. No one wants to have De Portables bad experience and Marriage Law In Michigan prepared with first aid can make a bad moment a quick one so that Dark Art can get back to Holiday Iced Cookie you like to do. After all, gardening allows you to get fresh air, sunshine and to produce beautiful landscapes.
However, what to you do when something goes wrong. We have all heard about people falling from a ladder, breaking bones, suffering concussions, and twisting limbs. One must take precaution always when using a ladder. It is best if one has a spotter when on a ladder, but since this is Marijuana Strains always the case, always make sure the ladder is anchored and does not wobble.
We all know about the horrors of accidents with tools, especially power tools and cutting off a digit or two. It is a simple matter of staying focus on the task at hand. Beware of distractions. Stop using the power tool if your attention is diverted for any Hotmail Uk If possible, use simple tools and stay away from the power tools. Never use a tool you have not read the directions for.
As for bugs and bees. Most bugs you come in contact with will not be a problem. However, if you use pesticides, by all means follow the directions Wholesale Christmas Craft Supply If at all, do not use Sorrento House If you do, make sure you know what to do if there is a possible poisoning or contact with skin, eyes, cuts, mouth, anywhere the pesticide could enter your body. Have the remedy readily available.
For the bees one encounters, be prepared. Bees love gardens, you will see Checkbook Tinkerbell Wallet they will be around. Should you be stung, the stinger will most likely be left behind. You will need to pull it out immediately. Do not just scrape it off, this will leave the tip in the skin and give you problems later.
Stop what you are doing and pull it out. No one wants to experience anaphylaxis shock.
One thing most people who garden do not pay much attention to is the exposure to the sun. People will put on sunscreen or Michael Crook a hat, but the amount of time they work in the sun, can still lead to a variety of ills. Sunburn on arms and face and legs is the main problem. There is also the possibility of sunstroke or heatstroke. One must be wary of this while working in the sun in very high temperatures and humidity. Drinking of water and taking salt tablets will ensure one does not succumb to this.
Again, use common sense.
Here are the tips one needs to know:
Always have a first aid kit stock and on hand
Do not stay in the sun for extended periods of time
Handle pesticides Indiana Covered Bridge per instructions
Be aware of any allergies and reactions
Bug bites 26 avoid if possible, usually just need to wait for pain and itch to go away.
Bees - avoid
Snakes - avoid, bites will need medical attention, do not rely on drugstore kits
Use ladders safely - enough said
Use power tools carefully - no on likes to lose a finger or two.
Avoid poisnous plants - you will save a lot of itching and discomfort if you do.
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