How Madonna Seizes Opportunities

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I have heard that the Chinese symbol Concrete Mixer Truck For Sale 'crisis' also means 'opportunity'. Since I don't speak or read Mandarin I can't confirm this.

However, there IS a correlation between these two words in Cancer Cervical Condition More Symptom Chaldean and Pythagorean Numerology.

One person Real Estate Commercial understands Gioco Tetris Pc Gratis Cam Traffic turn crisis and controversy into opportunity is Madonna. More on her in a moment.

Crisis is a 13/4 word. Definitely pointing out the 'death' of the old and 'birth' of the new. 13 is a symbol for transformation and change. 'Opportunity' adds Sofa Couch Furniture to 53/8. Also very interesting. Immediately I notice the fateful 4 and 8 connection between these two words. They are magnetically attracted to each other.

This puts a whole new spin on Hard Disk Dator Recovery Software the true nature of a crisis really is. A magnetic attraction means that crises and opportunities are from the same family.

Notice how 53 is a number of great inner strength. The 8 represents abundance and the strength to overcome obstacles. 8 is the number of the executive, the athlete, the person who is a survivor and triumphs over - crises.

Using the Pythagorean system, there is also a correlation. Crisis adds up to a 5 and Opportunity to 9.

5 symbolizes risk, adventure, scattering of energy and change. A very good description of how Chat Christian Free Room Single feel in a crisis. 5 is also the exact middle of numbers 1 through 9 - the tipping point.

9 represents humanitarian leadership and also can indicate a larger-than-life ego. 9 is the number of completion since it represents all the numbers which have come before.

Where 5 for Crisis represents the tipping point, 9 for Opportunity symbolizes the result, the culmination.

Now is an especially good to see this wonderful relationship between crisis and opportunity expressed in numbers.

So why is Madonna so familiar with this correlation? Two reasons.

She's born on the 16th, a number indicating many sudden turn of events. It's also indicative of a deep yearning for something spiritual. Notice that Eckhart Tolle, a best-selling author on spiritual matters, also has the same Film Juliet Movie Romeo of birth.

What really helped Madonna to take controversy and crisis to a new level is her current name.

Once she changed it from 'Madonna Ciccone', a very challenging 18 name, to just plain 'Madonna', the world was her oyster IF she did one thing.

Her 27 name means she had to always make SURE to carry out her OWN original ideas and goals. Not to be intimidated or influenced by opinions which differed from hers. That's when a number 27 current name brings incredible rewards.

Of course, that's precisely what Madonna ended up doing. Shocking people into buying her albums.

As for her split with Guy Ritchie, announced on October 15, consider this. Madonna is in a 25/7 Personal Year. Since she is born on a 7 Day, this is an important cycle for her.

7 years are about going within. They tend to be slower cycles and can test your patience since we're so used to a fast-paced world and getting immediate results.

More than at any other time in a 9-year cycle, a 7 year makes you want to withdraw and be by yourself. Since Madonna has a prominent 16/7 in her Personal Blueprint, this will be especially true for her this year. The 16 also indicates sudden events will be more likely for Madonna this year.

So her split from her husband of 7.5 years during a 7 cycle comes as Micr Check Printing Software surprise.

As for Guy Ritchie, he's in a 20/2 year. Relationships are being magnified for him this year. Taking stock of his current relationships and creating new business and personal ones is his main focus.

Whereas Madonna shares her fabulous 27 current name with Michael Phelps, 'Guy Ritchie' adds up to a challenging 31/4. I recommend a change for him.

If there's only one benefit you receive from numbers, it is to take control of your life and goals by ensuring your name is good.

Tania Gabrielle, Celebrity Numerologist and radio host, has a new book The Unrevealed Secrets of Political Success: How Names and Dates Shape U.S. History. Tania is a Historia Tambor guest on Hay House Radio, wsRadio, The Allan Handelman Show and is a weekly commentator on Decker After Dark. Sign up for her free e-newsletter and get a whole new perspective on current events, politicians and celebrities. Go to

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